حل كتاب الطالب مادة الإنجليزي6 المسار الإختياري

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حل كتاب الطالب مادة الإنجليزي6 المسار الإختياري








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Scope and Sequence






so 1 Everyone Makes Mistakes


Unit 2 Against the Odds


so Unit 3 Beauty Is Only Skin Deep




4  so They Said, We Said

حل كتاب الطالب مادة الإنجليزي6


Unit 5 Express Yourself


Unit 6 Lost and Found






Irregular Verbs


Audio Track List


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حل كتاب الطالب مادة الإنجليزي6


Would you gossip about a friend?


Firstly so Gossip and rumors can destroy a young person’s self confidence and affect their self-esteem. It can also lead to serious conditions such as depression, anxiety and eating disorders. Betraying the trust of a friend by talking behind their back reflects very badly on the person gossiping. People instantly assume that if one is capable of gossiping about a friend, then he/she is capable of doing it about anyone and keep their distance. Talking about a friend with negative intent does not make one stand out or help him/her become more popular. It is the surest way of isolating oneself and gradually losing one’s friends altogether. Activate Windows Go soin activate Windows



4 Speaking


  1. Read about people who realized their dreams against all odds What do you think motivates some people to persevere and make the most of their lives?


secondly so Brian is a triple amputee who lost his legs and his right arm in an explosion. Three years later, with three prosthetic limbs, he enrolled in one of the most competitive schools of architecture in the US and was due to graduate in 2014. He didn’t think he should settle for anything less since his head had not been injured and his brain could function as well as it did before!

حل كتاب الطالب مادة الإنجليزي6 المسار الإختياري

Firstly Mark has been working as a janitor at a prestigious university for two decades. He has worked from early afternoon till 11.00 at night mopping floors and emptying garbage cans and then stayed up after midnight studying for his classes. signed up for one or two classes per semester and managed to graduate with honors in 2012, at age 52. so he is not planning to give up his job, as it offers an irresistible benefit, namely free tuition. Instead, he is planning to study for his post-graduate degree next!


secondly so Martha earned two college degrees while living in an iron lung. She was paralyzed by polio at the age of 11 in 1948 and was confined in a metal tube, 23 hours a day. But she never gave up. She kept reading and attending classes without fail through her custom built intercom system. This is what she said in a documentary about her life: “Something happens to all of us. Mine is more visible than yours, but you have to deal with your things, too. None of us are exempt from things that would make us extraordinary people if the world knew the story.”

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1 Everyone Makes Mistakes


1 Listen and Discuss


  1. How would you define the word mistake?


2 What co you think the Following quote means?


Firstly so Dont feature so much that you refuse to try new things The saddest summary of a ife contains descriptions could have might have, and should have”-Louis E Boone 3. Accepting failure and hardship is often difficult How do we reach bed situations?

حل كتاب الطالب مادة الإنجليزي6

Mistake: A company rejected the patent for the telephone.


secondly in 1876, the most important communications technology was the telegraph A wealthy company ca led Western Union was in contrar of this techno ogy, The president of the company, William Orton, was offered the potent for an invention caled the telephone for $100.000 Orton sent e response to the 29 year-od inventor of the telephoce, Alexander Graham Bel itsaid, “After careful consideration of your invention.whie itis a very interesting novelty, we have come to the conclusion that t nas no commercial possibilities. What use could this company make of an electrical toy Be kept the patent and created his own telephone company, which became the largest in the US. The patent Bel had offered Western Union eventually became the most valuable patents in history. Orton coud have made one of the best deets in business history instead, he meyve made the worst business mistake in history


Mistake: The Titanic ignored warnings about icebergs.


Firstly so On Api 4, 1912, the RMS Titanic the largest and most modern passenger ship of its time, hit an iceberg and sank. This resulted in the deaths of 1547 people, incredibly, this tragedy could have easily been avoided. On the day the Titanic sank, it had received tive warnings from other ships about heavy ice in the areu. However the captain wes not wormed, In fact.

كتاب الطالب مادة الإنجليزى

he even increased the speed of the ship so mat t coud arrive in New York a day earlier than expected That evening, while the TRonica Facio operator was sending out persona messages from the passengers he received sith ice warning Thisi ore warned of ari iceberg directly in the path of the Tionic The operator wes supposed to gve the message to the captain But busy with his task, he put the message aside. It never reached the captain tit had, the one tragedy mont never have happened

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Mistake: Russia sold Alaskan gold to the U.S.


secondly Alaska hed been considered a burden, rather then an asset, by Russia for a ong ime it wes remote, incefensibie, and of its benefit So when William Sewet, US Secretary of State began negotiations in his own initiative, he expected to encounter some opposition. However, the outline of the deal was accepted by the cabinet and the agreement was signed in March 1867, transferring Alaska to the United States for a payment of 572 mi or However the purchase of a seemincy desolate and mosty frozen ianc was greeted with criticism by the press and the pubic Anka was referred to as “Seward’s Folly “Seward’s icebox or President Johnson’s “polar


so bear geden attitudes thet must have changed drasticely ater the discovery of gold Russia should have investigated potential resources before selling the land to the US at the price of about 25 cents per acre




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